Volunteering for Creative Mela

Guiding underclassmen on how to create little crafts that could be easily made at home is a fun getaway to do it yourself. Using beads to create accessories takes me back to my childhood and it’s a fun way to learn new techniques that I didn’t know before to create better pieces.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I have always enjoyed making handmade bracelets and necklaces with the use of beads so my teammate and I were able to create an appealing prototypes to present to the underclassmen with the use of the colorful charms we had at home. Through this, we were able to identify our strengths in choosing the proper color pallets that would impress the underclassmen and get them to tune in to the activity.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the most challenging part was not being provided with the correct resources we required due to miscommunication. Initially, we required charms and small bracelet beads. However, what we received were big beads with limited color and no design options. As my teammate and I had no time to fix that issue, we had to work with what we had and so we tried creating a decent looking product that the kids would like. We also decided to undo one of the prototypes and use those charms and add it to the ones we were provided with; this helped us overcome the challenge and also taught us how to manage certain issues in a calm manner with limited amount of time in hand.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Benefits of working collaboratively is that I got new ideas and learnt new techniques to create unique pieces. As my workshop was about phone charms, I was able to acquire new color pallets from my teammates as well as mix and match different kinds of beads. Additionally, helping with the decor was a cheerful time as I got to come up with new looks that would suit the theme of our event and also work with materials that were quite fun to handle.

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