Badminton Coaching

Badminton has always been one of my favourite kind of sport to be played. Playing badminton benefits not only your body by keeping you fit and healthy, but it also reduces the risk of various life-threatening diseases, tones and strengthens your muscles and bones and helps improve flexibility and mobility. This game helps me in reducing stress and anxiety.
LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
It took me a week or two to identify my areas of strength. Being able to execute a proper smash and smash defence are the abilities that separate the serious and the casual players.It engages muscles in both the lower body and upper body, and uses several muscles all at once. As a result, there are multiple reasons to develop these muscles for strength and I’ve always had good endurance, which allowed me to play for longer while being quite successful at some shots like the smash, drop and backhand.
LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Initially, it was quite challenging for me to practise badminton consistently because I would feel fatigued after a long day of school and not feel like going.However, as days progressed , I somehow managed my time management and I had to cope with my exhaustion.

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