Bal mela is an event held on 25th of February  2023 hosted by our school where underprivileged kids were called to have fun and enjoy the activites around the school. The goal of this event was to give underprivileged children a fun-filled time by engaging them in activities and creative games.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of the most significant lessons I learned was how to recognise my own abilities and places for development. I came to the conclusion that my area of expertise was in comprehending the requirements of individuals from various backgrounds and how they wished to approach the games. I realised that I needed to improve my ability to manage huge crowds of people. Even though handling a large number of people was challenging, the experience helped me expand my event planning knowledge.


LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

Everyone isn’t privileged enough to receive quality education and information on different aspects and forms of learning. We organised activities that promote cultural understanding and appreciation by encouraging students to share their own traditions, customs, and experiences, fostering empathy and global awareness.This event raise awareness about human rights issues worldwide like gender equality, or access to education, encouraging students to think critically and empathise with those facing challenges globally.


LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The key values that must be taken into consideration in this situation are accountability, respect, and equality what we provided to the bal mela might have been a reflection of that.  They shouldn’t be treated with any less respect just because they came from a less fortunate household. Atlast, everyone left with a smile on their face.


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