
It always has been my priority to be mentally and physically active thus what is more better option than gym . Therefore, to achieve physical fitness and also complete my CAS experience ,  i started my gym journey and throughout this 8 months journey i have learned many things related to nutrition and muscle growth.

Throughout this journey i have learnt that everyone has flaws and we should always work on them rather than to complaint what flaws we have and that commitment is the first step to success. I also learned that for muscle growth testosterone is required and i learned how to increase my testosterone through a american neuroscientist “Andrew Huberman” . During this journey i was on special diet (Bulk) and i wanted to do a clean bulk so i needed a strong control on my food consumption .There was a significant increase in my confidence and body posture . Also improved my mental health during these time period , gym has also created balance in my life of physical activity and studying.

Overall it was a rollercoaster ride and it will always be a memory of my life.

LO1 – Identify own strength and weakness

I identified my strengths and weaknesses as i started to notice that my back is very weak and especially upper lats, my strong parts were my chest and biceps and after i started to focus more on back exercises

After i was aware that i have weaknesses i was a bit insecure about my back and learnet that we all have some flaws and we have to work on them

It is important for us to know what strengths we have so we don’t feel useless and be a more confident . It is also important for ourself to know that we have weaknesses so that we do not develop an ego and also that it will be the reason that there is always room for improvement

I worked my on weakness which i mentioned is my back . So i researched a lot about specific back exercises . I have always wanted a wider back and after doing this i have achieved my goal

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging part was legs and back because they were weak and needed much more intense training then compared to and other exercises

The main difficulty was lack of experience due to which i was not able to grow muscles for the starting few weeks of gym . I overcame this problem by asking  experienced gym people and gym trainers and making new friends at gym

LO4 –Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It was easy for me because i always have a habit of completing my work and as a workaholic person i always need something to work on .so i  was always complete my work no matter how i feel

There was a strict commitment required through this gym experience that wa to eat clean food and go to the gym everyday no matter how i feel

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