Cube Fiesta Event – Project

Speed cubing is a well-known sport that attracts millions of cube enthusiasts worldwide.” It includes several categories, including 3×3, 2×2, pyrometrics, and others. Prior to discovering speed cubing, I had always thought of cubes as simply toys, ignorant of the highly competitive element of this sport. However, when I first learned about it, it sparked my curiosity, and I was amazed by the degree of commitment displayed by aficionados. We decided to organise a WCA-certified speed cubing event in Surat after discussing the concept with various colleagues. The road to the successful implementation of this event was fraught with difficulties, such as collecting sponsors and establishing efficient marketing methods to attract participation, but we eventually succeeded.

Lo3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

We as a team were very passionate about promoting Cubings in surat and give a platform to new people learning cubing to learn and get a place to compete against other competitors who are interested in cubings. We formed a team and started working on the project from getting sponsors , to booking venue , to getting the form live , to organizing venue , to contacting to cubelelo for cubes , mats , timers. To get tables and chairs , to contacting participants , to inviting them for the event to successfully completing the event. We worked and planned everything in very detailed to initiate this CAS project

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

There were various problems that I encountered when organising this event because there was a lot of work that needed to be done in order for this event to be successful. The hardest aspect was getting our mentors to agree with the proposal in the first place. When it came to the actual event, we had a lot of work to do, such as locating a location, finding sponsors, creating and printing posters, keeping up with the participants, managing them and so on. All of this while under time constraints. Despite numerous challenges, we were able to make it work.

LO5: Throughout this event, I employed cooperation skills because none of it would have been possible without the aid of all the volunteers and organisers. We had very little time to prepare for this event, and a lot of work had to be done within that time frame to make it happen. I discovered the importance of teamwork skills in completing the largest amount of work in the shortest period of time. simultaneously, through utilising teamwork abilities, I was able to work on this event while simultaneously managing my academics and schedule since we were able to split the work, resulting in a less load on everyone.

 LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

LO4: I engaged myself in the realm of Speed Cubing to assure the competition’s success, researching competition standards, grasping the complexities of different cube shapes, and learning about timing methodologies. This dedication to skill development was critical in obtaining the respect and trust of prospective participants and sponsors. Throughout this process, I faced various challenges and setbacks, such as comprehending complex rules, resolving timing equipment issues, and rejections from potential sponsors. My unchanging perseverance and devotion to the competition’s objective, on the other hand, inspired my drive to overcome these obstacles. I reached out to additional companies, revised my sponsorship ideas, and relentlessly marketed the event, finally succeeding and strengthening my opinion that perseverance is the key to conquering any hurdle in even the most difficult situations.

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