Kalakriti | Theater AS

I always knew that being on stage was one of the most exciting things for me. My small acts in front of the mirror and my mimicking of people were one of my strengths. I got an amazing opportunity to take theater/drama as one of my AS activities in school. Exploring different characters and learning about different acting techniques gave me a platform to show the actor hidden in me. I enjoyed going to class and doing script reading, stepping into a new character every time, and most important thing, composing a play for the audience. I even got an opportunity to perform in Kalakriti and represent my school. The cherry on top was winning first place with my team. I enjoyed coming early for rehearsal and the whole process of making the play successful. The following Learning Outcomes were acquired from the overall performance.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My biggest strength was open-mindedness, it allowed me to explore different and unique characters and not confined myself to the traditional character. In the play, I played the role of a crazy, goofy man who had a humorous nature. It took me time to play it as it was new and a little out of my comfort zone, but I didn’t give up and played it and learned something new from my character.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were a lot of challenges during this whole process, it was the first time I was going to perform in front of an audience. One of the most challenging things for me was also working with a group of people that expects a lot of patience and cooperation. But with more meetings and rehearsal I was able to develop and adapt to the new environment of the theater. I also developed the skill of cooperation and hearing everyone’s perspectives and critics. We worked as a team.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience 

It took a lot of perseverance and commitment to this experience. I had to commit myself fully to this skill because it was my first time doing it professionally and I was responsible for giving a good performance to my audience. I needed the perseverance to reach the expectation of my mentor. 

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively was one of the skills I strengthened and learned the importance of it in this experience. Working with a team of diverse mindsets and opinions I had healthy critics coming my way which helped me a lot. It also helped to understand how sometimes you need to have patience and work as a united team when it comes to creating a play for the audience. Without my team, this play wouldn’t have been successful.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

Quality of education is a basic right that should be available to everyone. Arts education helped me to be more broad-minded in terms of creativity and gave me a chance to showcase my talent. Another thing I appreciated was gender equality, I was never limited to playing a certain role. I did play the role of man and was fine with it. 


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