Creative Mela Volunteer for Garba

I was a volunteer in creative mela for garba. This event was organised in school where there numerous stalls with volunteers teaching different art and creativity. I had a garba stall with a partner. We taught garba to students from grades 7th to 9th. Many students and even teachers came to our stall to learn and play garba. This experience comes under creativity. Below are the LO’s which I covered in this CAS experience.

LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I had never taught garba before I just knew how to play garba and different dodhiyas. So, I came to know how to teach garba to different people. Some are fast in learning it whereas some struggle in footing, memorizing the steps and other problems. So, I learned how to identify and deal with different students.

LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It was a challenge to teach many students at the same time as different students have different pace and ways of learning so I cannot teach them all in the same way and at my pace and expect them to learn instantly. I had to teach some students in different ways depending on their stepings and memorizing abilities. But, students who knew each other also lended me help in teaching the ones who couldn’t as they know how he/she is used to learn different things. Some students were also not able memorize the steps when some of their friends helped them by playing with them and helping them memorize. So, by this experience I developed my teaching skills and communicating skills.

LO3 - Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Me and my partner planned the CAS as we decided what all steps would we teach and how would we both divide the students so that each one can teach individually so that the space and time can be utilized efficiently teach as many participants as possible. We also had to decide on the songs we would play as the school provided us with speaker and charging ports but the songs were to be played with us so we made a list of songs which we play in the event so that the perfect environment can be created to teach and play garba and the songs are not repeated again and again.

LO4 - Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This started at 10:15 AM and lasted till 1:00 PM so we had to teach garba to the participants in between this time without taking any rest or breaks.It was very tiring job as we had to adapt to the learning ways of different students and then teach them and some students were very notorious who disturbed others and even sometimes me while teaching garba so we had deal with them too. Also some students were shy who wanted to learn but were to shy to ask how to do certain steps or certain moves. Despite this we were able teach garba to many students and teachers.

LO5 - Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As told before I had a partner who taught garba to the participants with me so I had to work collaboratively with her so that we can utilize the space, time and resources given to us to their best. We decided our work based on our individual skills and experiences by which the work can be done effectively. Having a partner was very beneficial as the burden of doing everything was divided and more skills and expertise was added to the stall we had regarding garba.

LO6 - Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

Today’s generation of India is forgetting about their culture and moving towards the western culture which is a major issue for our indian culture. So, by teaching garba which the folk dance of gujarat, participants were made more familiar with our culture by which a place for our culture can be created in our generation.

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