Basketball – Activity

Learning outcomes achieve during this experience :

LO 1 : Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

I took up basketball as a CAS experience so that I could get exposure to learn and develop new skills to excel. I had never played basketball before, I realised that I would need to practise a lot to become proficient at shooting a basketball. Further, I will also need to build my stamina and will need arm strength to do so. Earlier, I was unable to shoot a basketball, I was only capable of dribbling to some extent. Through this experience, I could work on my limitations. Hence I have been able to accomplish learning outcome 1.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The challenge faced during the experience is that I am a short-height girl which hinders my ability to shoot a basketball. However, I refused to let my height stop me from developing a new skill. Further, I didn’t have any coach to teach me, I had to ask one of my friends to help me achieve my goal. There was a communication gap between us because I was a bit impatient and would not listen to her. I would keep shooting the basketball with the wrong posture and end up with bad shots. It took a while for me to get a proper shooting posture and shoot the basketball. But as time passed, I developed new skills. I also developed hand-eye coordination and clear communication at the end of the experience.

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I made sure to make a fixed time for my practice. I decided to practice four days a week. Scheduling a specific time was difficult because my friend and I had conflicting schedules. Nonetheless, we did eventually choose a particular time for practice in the end.

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It was challenging for me to learn a new sport, at times I wanted to give up. Sports like basketball need a lot of stamina to play; persistence is what helps me to keep on playing even when I am exhauseted. I kept practising consistently to improve my skills to become a better player is what thrives me to keep on playing. Hence, I stayed true to myself and had to show commitment and perseverance to achieve my goal.

Overall my journey to learn how to shoot a basketball was a success, through this experience my time management skills and communication skills got better. It also helped me maintain my physical fitness. Furthermore, I have the opportunity to learn a new sport.

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