Volunteering In Shelter Home

Volunteering in a shelter home has not only allowed me to contribute with volunteers but also know what challenges are faced with homeless.Not only did I get to interact with children but also old people as the first floor was an old age home.

LO 1 :Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth:

It helped me recognise my strengths and the areas where I needed to grow as a person. A turning point in my development came when I realised I had a natural ability for empathy and communication. It also inspired me to work hard on developing traits like patience and flexibility, which I’ve found to be essential in both my volunteer work and other parts of my life.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

The path of helping at a shelter house provided a number of complex difficulties that required my ongoing development. Managing my schedule effectively and dealing with emotionally charged events were two of the biggest hurdles. But overcoming these obstacles helped me to develop new abilities like excellent time management, active listening, and dispute resolution.

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

I started my CAS experience by learning about and getting in touch with the shelter home, planning my volunteer time, and creating a list of specific, attainable goals. This initiation process gave me vital life skills that will continue to serve me well. It showed me the critical importance that preparation and organisation play in any endeavour.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

My experience in the shelter house brought home how important teamwork is. Working together with other volunteers and the hardworking staff helped me improve my communication skills and my ability to delegate work and work well in a team. This event demonstrated the value of teamwork and emphasised the value of developing solid friendships with peers and mentors.

LO 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Volunteering in the shelter home thrust me into the heart of issues affecting marginalized communities. It gave me a profound understanding of problems like homelessness, poverty, and mental health difficulties. These concerns affect communities everywhere and are not isolated problems. Instead, they are parts of larger, global issues. This event sparked a genuine dedication to social justice in me, inspiring me to think about how to deal with these problems on a bigger scale.

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