Basketball tournament

Basketball  Tournament

Since my childhood, I love to play basketball. Our school offers a range of sports to students so that they can get exposure to all sports and then they can make the best choice of sports for themselves. Playing basketball during school hours helps me to improve my skills. In PS I have selected basketball because basketball is my favorite sport. And I was selected in a basketball team for a basketball tournament.


Lo-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the tournament, I was able to identify my strengths, such as my quick reflexes, good hand-eye coordination, and ability to shoot accurately. However, I also realized that I need to work on my stamina and endurance to be able to perform better in longer games.

Knowing our strengths and weaknesses is essential as it helps us understand where we need to focus our efforts and develop ourselves. Understanding our strengths allows us to capitalize on them and excel in areas where we are already proficient. Meanwhile, identifying our weaknesses helps us to know where we need to put more effort and resources to improve ourselves.

Lo-2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the main challenges that I faced during the tournament was maintaining my focus and energy throughout the day. We had several games back-to-back, and the pressure to perform at my best was intense. This was challenging because I had to manage my physical and mental fatigue while also keeping my competitive spirit alive.

I have played in basketball tournaments before, but this one was different. The level of competition was higher, and there was a greater sense of urgency to win. The stakes were higher, and I knew that I had to push myself harder than ever before to come out on top.

Lo-4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Basketball demands a lot of energy and endurance and that was the time I felt tired and discouraged. However, I knew that to play basketball, Improve my skill and contribute to the team I had to push my limits and practice.

To achieve these skills. I had to commit to attending practice sessions and games regularly, even when I had other school commitments or personal obligations. This required me to manage my time effectively and prioritize my commitments.

For me, committing to things and being persistent can be a challenge at times. I have a lot of interests and sometimes struggle to focus on just one thing for an extended period. However, I recognize the importance of perseverance and commitment, especially when it comes to achieving my goals.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Working with others is generally easy for me, as I enjoy collaborating with my peers and sharing ideas. During the tournament, it was easy for me to work with my teammates and come up with strategies to win each game. We all had a common goal, which was to win the tournament, and we worked together to achieve it.



In the end, our team win the tournament, and it was a truly rewarding experience for me. it also taught me the value of hard work and commitment, overall participating during school hours has been a memorable and valuable part of my  experience.























































































































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