Satellite Masterclass (Starlab)

Satellite masterclass is a comprehensive training programme that gives you a thorough understanding of satellite technology and mission. Experts in aircraft engineering and satellite technology devised and taught the course. The masterclass is divided into lectures, hands-on activities, and case studies. The goal of this masterclass is to provide you with information and skills in the areas of Introduction and Concepts of Satellite Subsystems, Orbital Mechanics, Atmospheric Losses, and Orbital Perturbation.

Because of my CAS experience, I now have a better grasp of why I was so interested in satellites in the first place. This CAS experience has taught me about satellite design, subsystems, testing, and launch processes, among other things, which has expanded my understanding and perspective on this particular felid.Throughout the masterclass, I developed several learner profiles, including knowledge, reflective, and inquirer. I developed knowledge because I learned new concepts by exploring new ideas, concepts and issues, secondly reflective as I gave more thoughtful consideration to my own learning and experience and lastly inquirer as I had expressed my curiosity through inquiring more on the key idea of the masterclass.

Learning Outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As I started the course, I quickly realised that satellites were an entirely new topic for me, and my previous understanding was far different and more complex than what I had previously known. This was my area for development since I had the opportunity to learn new and detailed things about satellites and their interactions with applications. But, I learned that I am a good learner and that I can quickly absorb and understand the concepts presented to me. This was one of my strengths that assisted me while learning.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I’ve always been fascinated by satellites, but I’ve never had the opportunity to go further into this field. It took a lot of work to learn about the concepts because they were highly technical and detailed, and I had no prior knowledge. As a result, it took time and effort to properly study and comprehend the course. Furthermore, the skill of communication and inquiry that I developed with the assistance of this course is important and in demand in the current day; so, improving this skill would be vital if I wanted to advance in the future.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Because I was inconsistent, most of my struggle was to keep to my goals of obtaining the knowledge through the course. Things constantly seem to get in the way, so I procrastinate, become lazy, and lose concentration while doing the assigned tasks. I demonstrated perseverance and devotion to the objective of learning about satellites, which needed me to go and manage my schedule in order to attend the session and also to work on the assigned task without any assistance.


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