Alchemy Charity Flea

In this experience, we helped an entertainment company that organizes fleas for underprivileged children. We helped in setting up the flea and selling clothes, toys, shoes, books, etc., which the children bought with the coupons given, the coupons were earned by the children by giving a test of identifying parts of a human body. The children ate, bought toys, clothes, and shoes, danced, and played games.

From this experience I achieved six learning outcomes which are and why did I achieve them –

Learning outcome 3 - Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I helped in planning and organizing the event and worked collaboratively with the Alchemy leaders and volunteers. I helped them in organizing the stalls decide the prices and in making and distributing the coupons.

Learning outcome 4 - Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

It took us four days to organize everything and we worked till late at night to get everything done because we wanted to give the children coming the best we can give. And I showed commitment to the Alchemy leaders by doing any time off work they wanted at any time.

Learning outcome 5 - Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

I improved my skills by working collaboratively with Alchemy and I recognized the benefits of working collaboratively as we can get the job done faster and in a better way. Also working collaboratively we get more ideas and bits of advice on to organize, plan and execute an event.

Learning outcome 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

This charity flea didn’t have a specific global issue but it tried to give quality education by students learning about science and then giving a test on body parts. Then the test was used to give kids coupons so children could buy toys, clothes, etc., from the flea.

Evidence –



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