Community Service at FS

In support of one of the world’s most pressing problems, poverty, and poor education, I participated in a school-organized Community Service program. Many underprivileged students do not have the right to study various things through various mediums due to financial crises or other challenges; nevertheless, our schools provide them with the chance to learn many skills such as various sports, ICT, science projects, and much more.

As a result, I undertook this CAS experience to assist with teaching students, especially children from government schools who do not have the opportunity to learn certain skills. Being a sports enthusiast, I took part in the initiative to help teach football to underprivileged children. We had taken the students, teaching them fundamental skills like passing and receiving the ball in order to educate them on how to play a football match and the technicalities of the game. With this experience, I also develop a learner profile Communicator and Open-minded which helped me know more about the importance of communication and how important it can be.

Learning Outcomes:

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

By splitting the kids into groups based on their ages and abilities, my friends and I had to handle everything appropriately. Before the sessions, we had done very little planning and had to change certain things based on what the kids wanted to learn or already knew. Here, planning ahead was somewhat necessary, but we also needed to be prepared for change and the possibility that our plans wouldn’t work, which we were.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I collaborated with my classmates, so coordination was essential. We split our responsibilities based on our knowledge and worked well together. Working as a team was not tough because most of us had the same aim in mind, which was to teach the children; nevertheless, there were some issues in between when some individuals did not contribute enough or assist the students, which was resolved. Given a large number of kids, we had to manage, teamwork was essential.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This community service event addressed several global concerns related to the SDGs, including no poverty; quality education; and reduced inequities. This is because we collaborated to provide those in need an opportunity, we assisted in giving them with quality education, and we narrowed the disparity between us and them by providing them with a similar football skill set that we had obtained.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I did my best to make ethical judgments while teaching them how to maintain fairness by teaching them what they needed. This issue has always bothered me, so I took steps to address it. I felt great after the community service since I had helped these kids by giving them smiles and the skills they needed to live in the current period.

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