Participating in senior football tournaments

Participating in senior football tournaments 

Football ,it’s basically my life and one of the most important things in my life .I’ve been performing the sport since 8 years now and at the age of 16 I just can’t live without it cause its my passion and I want to pursue it forward as a career .Connecting it to my CAS experiences ,I took football as the main aspect but with a twist for me .I play for the clubs SURAT FC ,FRIENDS FC and Balpreet singh’s professional football academy .Participating in many senior tournaments and in my journey in the 2022-2023 season I won a whopping 13 trophies and a bunch of individual trophies to .Some of the tournaments include PP savani U-21 tournament ,sultaniya cup ,samrat football cup ,ZEE football cup ,ZI league,etc  

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Playing with senior players is a really hard job to do .Competing with some of the best players you know around you has to ace up your game a lot .I had to train alot for being at the top level and competing with many different and senior players .I had identified my strengths in football which are my speed,shooting power ,passing and positioning,defending  but my main weaknesses were my vision ,shooting accuracy , quick thinking and mental stability .I had to work on them alot upon the whole season.

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Frankly speaking ,this whole journey was not easy ,I had tons of challenges which came my way ,some of them being game based issues ,personal problems or competing with tough opponents .But for those challenges I had develop different skills to tackle different types of issues .The game based challenges were solved through loads of training focusing on my weaknesses and for my mental stability I started hearing songs which puts me into a calm mood and boost confidence in me which was a must for competing against tough opponents .I developed new shooting skills such as the driven and knuckleball shoot and I developed explosive speed through power and strength training .I developed self management skills to by managing my studies and sports both in the same place to score in both areas.

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I understood my task right when I took the challenge of participating in senior tournaments .I knew I have to upgrade my game to a level where I have to start performing like my senior players and leave the age factor behind. I have to start focusing on football more than I used to .

LO4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This essay would turn ironic if I say I didn’t show commitment towards this CAS experience .I used to work 2 hours daily on football in my training camps.I used to play matches with my team in senior leagues to .I participated in 20 tournaments approx in the 2022-2023 season some of them being at artificial grounds /turfs and some on perfect 7v7 or above .I concentrated on football alot in and I am still giving all my efforts in it as its my passion and I wanna take it up as my career  .

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Football is all about teamwork and working  collaboratively because its a team sport so you have to have a strong bond with your team members .If you have it then the team chemistry is boosted hence leading you to have a greater performance in matches .So as a football players I get what are the benefits of working collaboratively .

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

In football you have to continuously make quick decisions while you are on the pitch .Thinking fast will be a key to your game and each action and choice you make will affect the teams stats,performance and result of the game .I have to be responsible for each mistake but also take the credit for the good performances and that considering what’s best for me I take the next decisions after the game while I am out of the pitch for an example the importance of cooling down your muscle ie:recovery to the muscles .

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