Teachers day celebration

The teachers day event was one of the most entertaining yet tiring event to plan for .It was basically an event organized for teachers in FHS where there were fun games and performances .I personally was given the task to choreograph and teach the dance performances.This event turned out to be a really good CAS experience as it challenged me in different ways and put me into tough situations 

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth 

-My past experiences of organizing event helped me alot here .It helped me tackle situations such as less working days but more portion to be taught.Also as I have a lot of expertise in the dancing field to .It helped me choreograph dances very quick and also to teach the team as I am a student myself and I have seen how my dance teachers teach me and similar techniques were used here to .

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

-Handling a big team of non dancers was one of the tasks that came up to a challenge to me .I had to choreograph such steps that were not so hard to understand for them .Slowly and steadily by using techniques such as breaking down steps or connecting the steps to a common movement I was able to teach them those steps and it came out properly.

-The second challenge would be the less working days  .As i mentioned earlier ,there was a large no. of non-dancers in the group and with less working days it was a really tough task.Here basically the new skills coming up were how I managed these situations and took tough decisions .I had to lower the no. of people and also make the steps a lot easier compared to before .

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I had to put in a lot of ideas for the event .Chipping in each and every idea was important to make the event fun and creative .Planning the whole flow was also one of the parts of this event which had to be planned thoroughly .

LO4-Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

-I’m confident enough that I’m still gonna take up responsibilities  / tasks just like this .Organizing events is a thing where I can learn about different situations and develop new skills .And I would like to take up new roles also as part of being in the team .

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

 -The main benefits of working together as a team in this event was that each and every task was assigned to selected people dividing the work and making it much easier to manage .collaborating with teachers and fellow students was really helpful for me as approving the songs,steps and many things were pending and the group did help me alot .Here social and collaboration skills were  must and these skills are two of my strongest skills and it helped me alot .

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