Educational trip-Mount Abu

We went to Mount Abu for educational trip . Trekking means long walk which is  full of adventure and exploration. Trip was for four days. We lived in a campsite which was like keeping our comfort zone  aside. We went for 3 treks: Mowgli land trek, Golden horn chimney trek and Sun rise trek and did some adventurous activities like rock climbing, rappelling and caving.

LO-1 ( Identify own strengths and develops an area of growth)

As I was trekking for the first time I had no idea what the trekking process looked like. So I  watched all the skills properly which further helped me to accomplish trekking .Being aware of my weakness allowed me to make them as a strength. Most importantly I improved my social skills which is an area of growth because social skills are really important in shaping one’s identity.

LO-2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process)

When we wake up in the morning the first thing we take is our phone and scroll social media. Being away from it was quite challenging. It felt incomplete as there was no posting of stories and post on instagram and also we could not converse with our parents. But it was easy to be away from phone as we were engrossed in nature. We also got  to know the importance of interaction and nature.

LO-4 ( Shows commitment and perseverance in experience)

I had to be determined and dedicated to complete all the treks as the treks were long and difficult but I was able to do so. This long trek were worth of dedication as we were able to see beautiful views. Waking up early at 5:00 was a commitment in itself only because it required me to sleep early. This was a change in my sleeping schedule which was hard for me.

LO-6 ( Demonstrate engagement with issue of global significance)

Most of the kids in our batch purchased items like chips and chocolates which were not allowed. So we decided to give  items to the kids who were staying besides our campsite. We distributed the items to children which made them really elated. Here we discussed the rising global problem which is hunger and poverty.

To conclude, this camp was fun and adventurous. Made memories with friends and also most importantly we were out of our comfort zones 




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