Nomads project

For my CAS project me and two of my friends decided to organise a performance at a well-known and new cafe named Nomads.And through this performance we would donate the funds raised to a charitable trust which would ultimately help underprivileged kids get their basic necessities such as enough food and clean water.We thought of this initiative a while back when my band was looking to expand and we also wanted to do good for the community so we thought of this event for CAS project as it is long term and covers all 3 aspects which are Activity,Creativity and service.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During this time period I had to interact with a lot of people mostly unknown and i learnt that I was a good communicator,I was able to relay information quite easily, ask questions and also negotiate the timings and the days of the performances.Now that I am aware of my strength I feel confident in taking to people and communicate my ideas and feelings with them.And this was really important for me as it will help me grow as a person, knowing my strengths help me know the things I am good at which can be later used in other things as well.

LO2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were many challenges that we faced throughout this entire process.Th first being, actually getting an opportunity to perform in a well-known cafe.As I’ve told before we were a growing band, with no specific name and played together just for fun, we were looking for opportunities to grow as a band.So obviously it was difficult for us to get an opportunity to play at a cafe.This was  very new to us, this was going to be our first independent live show as a complete band, we all were nervous yet excited about this. Luckily one of the interns at the cafe had heard us play in school and helped us getting an acoustic concert first just to show our talents and then the final dates would have been negotiated.Again this was all because of proper communication from our side, hence justifying the importance of communication. Moreover, we had to set up the instruments by ourselves and also get enough money for donation

LO3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

We started off by discussing these ideas face to face in school,  we came up with the performance plan and also the donation plan.After it was decided, we personally went to nomads and talked with the manager there and communicated our ideas and asked for available dates.After getting the dates we made a group on a social media platform where we added all the people needed for this thing to work out, we had a time limit for 3 hours so we added many people so that we could shuffle and play so it gets fun for audience. We made a spreadsheet regarding all the songs, their scales, their transpose etc. We had a list of almost 50 songs that we could possibly play. We even divided songs between people to avoid confusion at the day of performance.This first experience obviously makes things very easy for me in the future as I now I know the things to keep in mind for my next concert.I am not usually an organised person but I realised that all this was not difficult for me, and it actually made me feel good too.And I figured that being organised could prove to be one of my strengths.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It made it quite difficult where perseverance and commitment was needed as this was going to be long performance and could not afford any mistakes so practice was needed which meant that the band members had to some of the extra curricular activities and their tuitions for practice and some of the member were not attending the practices and backed out before the performance. It was not easy for me as well as I had to miss my classes to practice and I had tests coming up but I showed commitment to my project and tried to attend every practice session and also reached the performance venue 4 hours prior to the performance for sound check and helped them arrange everything.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

It usually easy for me to collaborate with people, it generally brings out the best in me as I often tend to chip in with my ideas and be a good listener by actively listening to the ideas of my peers as well.In this case it was just partially easy for me to work collaboratively as I had to work with unknown people and some difficult people as well during the process which made it a little tough to work with them and to communicate my ideas but in the end it worked out.I dealt with difficult people by being extremely precise and concise so that they could understand my point.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The global issue that we that saw to were Zero hunger and Good health and well-being of underprivileged children.As said before we aimed to donate the funds raised to a charitable trust who would then help the children in need by giving them enough food, clean water and shelter too.This issue is significant globally as all over the world there are millions of children who starve to death, do not have a home to live nor have access to clean water.We have been studying in school about these poor countries and how the citizens are affected.Knowing about these issues help me grow personally and emotionally as I try to find solutions for these global issues. Sympathy towards these people drives me to find a solution to these problems.

LO7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

There was one ethical issue involved in this project which was to ask for donations from the audience.It would not be ethical if they for their food and even pay to watch us play for them, but we had to raise our funds to help the people in need.The ethical issue was just a minor setback in this project it did not affect anyone as just thought of a more efficient way to raise funds and we added a donation box(online) where we raised almost 10,000 Rs and donated them to a charitable trust.


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