Beach Cleaning – Service

Beach cleaning as the phrase states is the act of pick up debris, litter, waste,etc from the surface of beaches. It has become an important activity in today’s world and is very needed considering the climate of the environmental hazards we are facing today.

One of the most enormous is that marine particles, such as plastic, can pose a serious chance to flora and fauna. Sea turtles, whales, and other marine animals can ingest or turn out to be entangled in plastic waste, which can harm or kill them. Beach cleansing can also help to improve water high-quality and prevent the spread of disorder by putting off trash and other pollutants from the water.

In addition to the environmental benefits, seaside cleaning can also be a fun and profitable pastime for individuals and groups. It’s a outstanding manner to get outside, experience the beauty of the coastline, and make a nice effect on the surroundings. Whether you’re becoming a member of a huge-scale seaside cleanup occasion or definitely taking a stroll along the shore and picking up muddle, every little bit facilitates.

When I was presented with such an opportunity by the SMC and also facilitated by the school, I didn’t have a second thought about it. There seemed nothing that would make me not want to participate. Apart from helping the environment I would also have a great opportunity to spend time with my friends. Though surat city is the second cleanest city in India, the beaches here still had plastic and other sorts of waste on them.

The LOs met

LO4 – For this event to be a success I had to show complete perseverance and commitment towards reaching the goal. This meant waking up at the crack of dawn to get down to the beach to start this event. During the event,  I had to walk for hours and had to pick up every little piece of garbage that I could see. Though it was exhausting, the company of great friends and the end goal in mind made me push through.

LO5 - Even though I am really proud of my personal efforts, what we managed to do wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the other participants Collaboratively, we all were able to clean the beach successfully which alone would have taken days but here we were able to do it in hours which is why collaboration is very important. I was able to learn and use that through this experience.

LO6 - Though having fun with friends was something we also shared in this experience, it was secondary. The primary purpose for me to participate in this activity was to help the environment as i’ve talked about before of how the pollution caused by us affects plant and animal life in a very negative way. This experience presented me with an opportunity to help the environment and I am very proud of my decision of taking it.

LO7 - I felt that it’s miles our moral duty to hold and protect resources that we depend upon and different life depends upon. Though this doesn’t repair all the damage that we have cause to our mother earth, this opportunity has presented itself to me as a healthy change in the actions caused by me.

To conclude I would like to say how proud and glad I am to have participated in such a noble cause. This event has changed and shaped my actions towards the environment for the better





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