Trekking and rock climbing – Mount Abu educational trip

In our eleventh grade, we travelled to Mount Abu, Rajasthan. We were required to partake in numerous adventurous activities like rock climbing, trekking, and caving while living in tents for five to six days. Our goal was to explore the forest and the surrounding area, but we also needed to get out of our regular comfort zone and embark on a new adventure.

Learning outcomes achieved from this CAS experience:

Learning outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Being outside in nature was a crucial test for everyone, and I believe it was the challenge I faced. The fact that it was so chilly there made it difficult to travel while achieving such a large number of work. Furthermore exhausting, our walk took 5 to 6 hours, but by the end of the day, we would always have learned something new. Throughout my entire life, I have never done something like. By making sure we are keeping ourselves active and obtaining as much rest as we can, we are able to somewhat overcome this challenge. By taking this test, I felt strong and liberated. I wanted to do something by myself and knew I was capable of doing it. Trekking skills are among the abilities I have mastered, and I believe it is important to get familiar with them since everyone will experience a situation similar to that at some point in their lives.

Learning outcome 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The global concern I discussed was ecological degradation. Because we live in a place powered by the irresistible force of life, we also need to take care to avoid littering and use as little plastic as possible. We came across an area close to our campsite that was littered with glass bottles and trash, which made me feel very helpless. However, after seeing that area, I realized that the earth should be treated with respect, so I made sure not to leave any trash behind while camping because doing so could lead to a loss of natural energy and could harm nearby wildlife.

Learning outcome 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

The global concern I discussed was ecological degradation. Because we live in a place powered by the irresistible force of life, we also need to take care to avoid littering and use as little plastic as possible. We came across an area close to our campsite that was littered with glass bottles and trash, which made me feel very helpless. However, after seeing that area, I realized that the earth should be treated with respect, so I made sure not to leave any trash behind while camping because doing so could lead to a loss of natural energy and could harm nearby wildlife. After some time, I came to the conclusion that we would not need to expend quite as much energy on one another if we had technology, and I also acknowledged the powerful force of nature. This has also assisted me in creating incredible memories. Overall this was the best educational trip I had ever been to.


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