Mount. Abu Educational trip

After the pandemic, our school took us on an educational excursion to Mount Abu, as it does every year. Many activities were completed during our entire event, including rappelling, caving, and mountain climbing, among others.

The overall trip resulted in the following learning outcomes (LO):

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Being someone who enjoys sports and physical activities, I believed trekking  would be one of the easiest task because participating in a variety of sports had improved my stamina and endurance. Longer hikes would motivate me to go beyond my limits and push me to go further, I always dreamt of the peak in my mind whenever trekking and thinking of taking a break. By the last day, my body was better than before. I wished to do more of those activities I performed. Over the coarse of tracking my mental and physical health kept me going and find the stamina I needed to finish the last  walk. Rappelling, on the other hand, played out differently than I had anticipated; my fear of heights distracted me a bit while climbing to reach at the peak, causing me to shiver, but I eventually made it to the summit and enjoyed the view and the moment.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process .

Other than rock climbing and rappelling , we also explored caves . As instructed by the mentors , we slides between rocks and climbed huge rocks in between , walked through narrow passages trotted like mountain goats . The main challenge here was passing through a narrow space between two walls without any source of light , we had to jump into a hole without being able to see the bottom and squish between two and squirm ourselves out . Through this activity I learnt that if there is a path it will definitely have an end. There will be moments where I will be scared enough to complete a challenge but that’s where we face it and remove our fears.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience

We were virtually stranded on a mountain with a lot of friends without our phones far away from our homes, thus perseverance and devotion were required to complete the daily responsibilities. Every day, the schedule consisted of getting up early and engaging in physically demanding activities, followed by staying up late conversing and enjoying bonfires with friends. It grew increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the mornings as the exhaustion from the previous day accumulated. The prospect of all the fresh adventures kept me going. I forced myself out of my comfort zone and committed to completing all of the duties as perfectly as possible.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

As we returned from our treks, the mentors used to plan group events in which we learned the value of collaboration, leadership, and sportsmanship. In one such game, we had to rely on our teammates to complete the assignment jointly and make sure we took the right responsibility to avoid making mistakes as team members. It wouldn’t have been an enjoyable trip without the company of others, and thus teamwork is what made it unforgettable.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Tourist sites in India are primarily littered and spoiled public property. As an individual, I maintained the environment around me clean by not littering the trails I walked on and stopping my friends to spoil the nature around us.

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