French Immersion Event

French Immersion event that took place in our school on 13th January . In this this event we had DP students and teachers .In  French immersion event, students and teachers  were introduced to the base of language through fun games such as crossword bingo , memes and jokes .The purpose of it was to expose and familiarize the student with French . I was part of the decor team and helped them decor stalls and photobooth.

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I designed and gave ideas for headers , signboards and also painted the flags for the event .I realized during this time that drawing and painting, which I enjoyed doing as a child but had not practiced in a while are my strengths . The things that I need to work on a bit is communication skills with people I work with .

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

I lack a bit of patience and when  working with paint, you need a lot of patience because even a small error can damage a drawing so this was a bit of challenge for me in the aspect of doing things calmly .Also the period given to prepare this was short so getting things ready when everyone are there is abt difficult . So we came early in to prepare this things .

LO 3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

When organizing the décor for the event, it was necessary to establish a list of the resources, how we intended to use them, and how the team should divide the task. however, with everyone in communication, this was accomplished quickly.

LO4:Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

As the time period given to us was less but still to make the event successful we came early to school  .As coming early requires commitment and is bit tiring but my team made it fun and easygoing for me  .As much  Also learning a new language is hard so is achieving fluency in it , but all of us were determined that we are well aware and when the event happens we can answer our peers and teachers well enough that they also gain some knowledge about it .

LO5 :Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Collaborating with others requires effective communication, .While working together, we presented different ideas to  each other and by combining different perspectives we came up with creative solutions. Collaborating with others can help you make more informed decisions, as you have access to a wider range of perspectives and expertise. It also help you complete tasks faster and more effectively, as you can divide responsibilities and leverage the strengths of each team member.

In summary, I developed my language abilities and gained a deeper grasp of French culture and traditions by volunteering for this event. Moreover, I developed my teamwork skills and discovered my interest in painting.

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