Beach cleaning

I participated in cleaning up the Dumas Beach for social awareness of having a clean surrounding around us and contribute for the future generations so that they can have the similar resources(natural) and use it with responsibility.

As a consequence of my CAS experience, I will have a broader understanding of the environmental concerns we encounter. What I have realized is that garbage is a serious issue in and near beach regions, and we should keep our beaches clean by raising awareness and engaging in cleaning efforts to maintain our ecological environment.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process .

During the process of cleaning the beach some wastes were in such condition that it would require equipments or much more help to remove. Adding to it after every single day we could see the progress and differentiate between the original and new face of the beach. The event helped me to build my social skills and collaborating skills, teamwork was being played a big role. I wouldn’t be able to do it all by myself.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience

Waking up every early morning and going at a distance for almost a month it’s never too easy. Your schedules mixes with the plans of the CAS experience. The mood of not going and thinking of relaxing doesn’t work, thats where commitment towards the CAS experience comes. Furthermore, cleaning in daylight with such hot conditions, it’s always a tiring task. But I was determined to help clean the dirty areas and visualize green change and success as a person.

LO5 : (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Working together will help us collect more rubbish and will also drive us to gather more for good environmental sustainability, resulting in more innovation, efficient processes, better success, and enhanced communication, allowing us to clean the beach more successfully. Working together will allow us to gather more rubbish while also motivating us to collect more for environmental sustainability. Working together will also save time.

LO6 : (Engagement with issues of global significance)

As the name suggests “beach cleaning” it already connects with many SDG’s i.e 12,13,14,15 : (12) Responsible consumption and production. People have to take responsibility of what they are using and what they are doing after they use the product. (13) Climate change. Cleaning areas near shorelines/coastlines will help the marine life and the inclusion of coral reefs under water which help in consuming the carbon dioxide, indirectly helping against climate change. (14) life below water and (15) life on land. The waste on land can affect both animals and the marine life as the waves can carry the waste on the beach and take it with them, eventually it can result of consumption of plastic or any type of waste by fishes under water or birds, dogs above land which roam around the beach areas for food. All these would occur constantly and increase in future but we in a group of friends helped removing waste and prevented this to happening.

LO7 : (Recognise and consider the ethics of decisions and actions)

By taking part in the beach cleanup project while keeping the social purpose in mind. Along with my friends, I cleaned the beach by removing rubbish and increasing awareness of the need of protecting the water and marine life, which will benefit our community. My action seemed morally correct to me because it benefitted both the community and my attempts to save the environment.


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