During the pandemic as we were locked in the house , our physical and mental health was highly affected. Being a student all I did was sit on my chair and attend classes, I couldn’t go out to play or have any physical exercises.At first I thought yoga was a boring form of exercise and it did not interest me much, even after trying it once it required a lot of patience and practice and you won’t always get the perfect pose , but it helped me gradually improve my physical and mental health a lot.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
Before taking yoga classes I barely did any physical activity except for in schools, so doing yoga really helped me improve my strength and flexibility. As yoga involves a range of physical postures which require great deal of precision and balance, it helped me become more focused and helped increase my concentration.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Learning yoga was not as easy as it required really strong arms and core strength , many yoga exercises require you to support your own body weight and it eventually helped me build my strength and endurance. Even after classes sometimes I used to have really bad body aches but that only helped me strengthen my pain tolerance and endurance.

LO4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience
Doing yoga helped me improve my concentration and focus, the meditation helped me get a deeper understanding of my own body and emotions. I have been doing yoga for 3 years now and I have definitely become more self aware, calm and has helped me reduce stress and anxiety.

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