Educational trip to Mount Abu- Rock climbing and trekking

During our junior year of high school, we went on a trip to Mount Abu, Rajasthan where we were expected to participate in several thrilling activities such as rock climbing, trekking, and exploring caves while staying in tents for a period of five to six days. Our objective was to discover the forest and the nearby vicinity, but we also aimed to step out of our usual routines and engage in a fresh and exciting experience.


Learning outcomes achieved from this CAS experience:


Learning outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process: 


Spending time in the great outdoors posed a significant challenge for all of us, and I believe it was a test that I had to overcome. The cold weather made it tough to travel and complete a lot of work, and our hikes were exhausting, lasting for 5-6 hours. However, each day ended with a new lesson learned. I had never experienced anything like this before in my life. We tried to stay active and get as much rest as possible to overcome this challenge. By taking on this test, I felt empowered and free. I wanted to push myself and prove that I was capable of achieving something on my own. I acquired valuable trekking skills during this experience, and I believe it is essential for everyone to become familiar with them since we may all face similar situations in our lives.


Learning outcome 4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience:


I showed my commitment to completing the hike by being well-prepared and determined. I made a wise decision to bring items like hats, gloves, and warm clothing to make the journey easier. I remained resolute and persisted through difficult conditions by breaking the hike down into manageable goals, maintaining a consistent pace, and taking regular breaks to rest and recharge. I kept reminding myself of my end goal and the satisfaction of reaching the summit. Additionally, my fellow hikers’ dedication and perseverance inspired me to keep going.


To end, this was the best educational trip where I got to learn so many new skills and made great memories with my friends as well. 


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