I have always been interested in reading and writing my own pieces , and have always wanted to participate in a club for writing where I can meet my peers who share the similar interests as me and learn and share my work with them. This club gave me the exact opportunity I was looking for. I learned and improved a lot being a part of the club.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
Before joining the club I used to write poems and some literature pieces but after joining the club I got to explore more parts of literature and even work on my skills. The teacher also guided us in the process of making the newsletter. I also learnt how to make and design a website as sometimes I had to lead a session which included instructing everyone and making posts which was very new to me but eventually i learned it.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience.
The first term of the club was filled with members and all had been given particular sets of pieces to work on, but after the end of first term many members quit the club leaving very few members incharge. Most importantly the web designer of our club also quit and none of us knew what to do. Eventually we started learning web design and also had to write many pieces that could suffice the newsletter. It took a lot of determination to be a part of the club as because of there being so few members I thought of quitting as well but then I had always loved writing so stuck to it.
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
We published two newsletter ,in the course that I was part of the club and it would not have been possible without the collaborative effort of all the members. The members had their own special skills and talents and I got to learn a lot from each one. After every piece we wrote we were supposed to proof read each other’s pieces and give constructive criticism which personally helped me improve a lot. The two newsletters that were successful were only because of our collaborative work.

Some of the pieces that i wrote:

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