French Immersion

French Immersion was held on 13th January where there were different stalls depicting different countries and showcasing its facts and uniqueness. There were activities on each station such as jeopardy, word search, puzzles, memes, and photobooth. This event was held in order to make this subject more accessible to people and to demonstrate the lessons learned from it. Students from grade 11 and 12 had been invited along with DP teachers to experience this event and learn new skills. I volunteered for this event as part of the decor team and was responsible for making the event more appealing to the viewers.This responsibility compelled me to give my time to this event by making charts and creating the photobooth that showcased the theme appropriately.


LO2: “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.”

Choosing the correct facts about each country and ensuring that each activity portrayed the appropriate knowledge was a difficult task that required me to be attentive and seek out correct information. The event also had to visually portray its theme, which required us to obtain theme-appropriate materials to decorate the event.


LO3: “Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.”

This event was planned to make French more interactive for other subject students and more interesting for students who were already familiar with the subject. Everything from selecting a location to sending out invitations had to be planned. We developed numerous concepts such as creating a photobooth, activity stalls, and playing music to engage the audience and allow them to connect with the knowledge.


LO5: “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.”

This event was organised as a group effort. To make the event a success, we all had to work together. It required active problem-solving, effective communication, a clear division of roles and responsibilities, and constructive feedback from all members. Even when we ran into difficulties, working together helped us overcome them all. Despite some disagreements, we learned how to communicate more effectively and solved all of our problems.


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