Learning water sports

I have always been seeing people ride jet skies and flyboard and I have always wanted to do it finally, I got a chance to learn it when I went to Dudhala for an event where the village had a lake and in it, they had jet skies and flyboard so I saw this opportunity and I learned both of it until I was in the village.

I tried to master it but because of the limited days, I had I was only able to learn it and kind of master it as I learned how to ride a jet ski by myself and do some stunts and the same goes for flyboard.

LO’s met:-

LO1-[Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.]

I had to find my own strengths and weaknesses to develop and learn jet ski and flyboarding. It played a big role in my learning journey as I could learn both of them faster as I knew my strengths and weaknesses.

LO2-[Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process.]

Learning a new sport is always a challenge and learning it on water is more difficult as we don’t have full body control under the water. I had to face many challenges in the learning process as I did not know how to control my legs when I had to turn as the the force of water from flyboard is very strong so it took a lot of time to learn and then I developed the skill to do it.

LO4-[Show commitment to and perseverance in their CAS experiences.]

I showed commitment and perseverance to my experience as I learned everyday and never had a day of because of having limited days but sometimes my legs and the whole body was sore because of the roughness of flyboard but then I got used to it and continued to learn it.

At the end I would just say that I am very happy from the outcome and I am proud of myself as I was committed to my experience and I am grateful to get this type of opportunity and complete my CAS experience with it.

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