Cleaning the Beach

On the International Coastal day (16 – 9 – 2023), SMC organized a beach cleaning event wherein our school participated. In the event, we were divided into groups and sent out to clean due to the huge size of the beach. Therein, we collected all the trash, from small packets to broken glass bottles. The surprising thing was that a chunk of the waste was thrown unused. 


LO 4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience) – In this event we rigorously worked upon collecting as much trash as possible and thereby portraying perseverance and commitment towards cleaning the beach.


LO 5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively) – As the Dumas beach is huge, our school decided to divide us into groups so that we could work collaboratively, enjoy the process, and work efficiently in the process of collecting trash.


LO 6 (Engagement with issues of global significance) – Through this event, I got an opportunity to work upon the sustainable goals, ‘sustainable cities and communities’, ‘Climate action’, and ‘Life on land’ because by cleaning the beach area, we contributed in making the climate more sustainable and improving the life of animal species situated in the beach area. Throwing waste is a global issue which is caused due to the carelessness and lethargy of people to throw the waste in dustbins rather than damaging the climate and the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is very important to aware people about the consequences of their actions and work collaboratively to solve this issue.


LO 7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions) – By participating in this campaign, it was an eye-opener for me because I had to experience the struggle of picking up the waste of others, therefore realizing how immediate it is to stop throwing waste anywhere except dustbins. As this activity is contributing to a social cause, it is an ethical choice which I made, that is benefiting the environment. 


In conclusion, this CAS experience of beach cleaning is a step which I took that has inspired me to neither throw waste nor encourage throwing it in our surroundings because of the huge negative implications on our environment.





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