PI Day (Creativity)

PI Day, which took place at Fountainhead School on March 14, 2023. On March 14, which is also Dr. Albert Einstein’s birthday and Stephen Hawking’s death anniversary, PI Day is observed worldwide.   This event, which took place on March 14, 2023, was organized by and attended by teachers, Math and Physics students. It was broken up into various categories like “fun,” “food,” and “photo booth.” I had to set up a photo booth and was also the event’s photographer. As the name suggests, we were required to improvise and use the materials provided by the school to set up a photo booth.

These are the Los catered through the event

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As most of understudies would prefer to invest their energy on fun slows down which we had than on photographs, my group at first accepted that the photograph stall wouldn’t draw in numerous understudies. We were under the impression that there would be fewer students and that I would be able to manage the flow because we had a limited supply of materials. However, it was surprising how many teachers and students came to take photos.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

At first, when the final plan was made, we thought of putting the math and physics formulas in a photo booth that looked like a regular telephone booth. Nonetheless, we needed to drop the thought in light of the fact that the width of it was exceptionally less. After that, we came up with another idea in which we would doodle on a blackboard, but we also dropped that idea because it was so straightforward. One day prior to the event, we came up with a new idea that could work with the extra materials because we didn’t have much time. We printed and adhered a good Math and Physics-related poster that we had chosen.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

The photo booth is made with a lot of planning and effort. In order to guarantee the smooth operation of our photo booth, we searched, planned, and produced the result within a month. We had to plan where the photo booth would be and how many prints we would need because of this. Without patience, teamwork, and time management strategies, we could not have done all of this.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Because I had a lot of ideas, teamwork is the most important part of our photo booth. Since I was the only one who could make it, we had to collaborate with the décor team because this was a student and teacher-led event where cooperation is crucial.



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