Mount Abu Educational Trip

After 2 years School took us to a adventurous trip to Mount Abu. We did many activities like trekking , hiking , rock climbing , rappelling , caving and many more.

Learning Outcomes(LO):

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I thought trekking would be an easy part for me as I play many sports and am physically fit but as we went for 1-2 treks my body started to exhaust and at the last day when we had our last early morning sunrise trek that time i realised that there is a area of growth that can be developed because I was not able to trek at that particular time but when we reached to the peak it was all worth it. On the other hand, I found that rappelling was much simpler than I anticipated. I questioned if going down a slope may be frightening, but I accomplished it quickly and very effortlessly instead.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Together with rock climbing and rappelling, we also went cave exploring. According to the mentors’ instructions, we traversed treacherous terrain by sliding between rocks, scaling enormous boulders, and trotting like mountain goats. The biggest difficulty in this situation was squeezing through a small opening between two walls without any light and darkness was always my fear but that was the time when we had to plunge into a hole without being able to see the bottom, squeeze between the walls, and then wriggle ourselves out. I discovered by doing this task that it’s all mind games the fear is in our mind there may be times when I’ll be too terrified to finish a challenge, but that’s when we must confront our fears.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

One day we had team games, the mentors would set up group activities where we could practise cooperation, leadership, and sportsmanship. In one such game, we had to depend on our colleagues to work together to complete the assignment and ensure that we took sufficient responsibility to avoid making mistakes as team members. The game turned out to be very easy because working collaboratively came as a result of working productively , easily and fast.


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