Robin Hood

In this experience, I joined an army named Robin Hood who try provide services to slum areas and give out food to the people living on the street. I volunteer on Saturday and Sunday and go to teach the children living in the slum areas and help the leaders of RHA to give out food to the people living in the streets.

The learning outcomes I achieved from this experience are –

Learning outcome 4 – Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I showed commitment to this CAS experience by going every Saturday and Sunday to either go and teach the children living there or go volunteer for giving out food. and Sometimes even go for giving away festive-related things on festivals.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I achieved this outcome because I am working collaboratively with the Robin Hood leaders and volunteering for their services. By teaching the students living in the slum areas I am improving my communication skills. I try and help them with whatever they and sometimes help them organize services.

Learning outcome 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The global issue I achieved from doing this experience is quality education because I am trying to help out in teaching children living in the slum areas I also achieved good health and well-being because I am trying to help out the RHA in giving out food and sometimes donating food to the people living on the streets.

Evidence –


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