Beach Cleaning

On the International Coastal Day, I was part of a mega beach cleaning event that took place at Dumas beach of Surat. In this beach cleaning drive, I contributed in cleaning the garbage that had been dumped on the sea shore by  collecting and gathering it from the various places where it was scattered across the sea shore.

LOs met:

  • LO4: I Showd perseverance and commitment towards the challenging task of beach cleaning where we had to walk across the sea side and gather the trash which was untidy.
  • LO5: Cleaning the ebach is not individually posiible due to it’s huge length. Hence, I worked with other groups of people where we collaborated with each other in the process by collecting and gathering the trash together in groups.
  • LO6: This CAS experience addressed the issue of trash-filled beaches, which develop as a result of people’s negligence in throwing grabage on the beaches without considering the potential environmental consequences. The worldwide significance of unheiginic and unclean coastal regions cannot be overstated. Garbage accumulating on beaches may end up as ecosystem damager, impacting marine species and marine ecosystems in general. As a result, trash-filled beaches harm the ecology and pose a threat to sustainability.
  • LO7: I made myself a part if this good social cause and took good initiative in order to conserve onceans and marine life by protecting them form hazardous pollutants and plastics. Due to its benificial nature, this choice of mine was ethical as it contributed to the sustainability of the environment.

This CAS experience has changed my prespective abount an environmental issue that is a matter of concern. This CAS experience also realised about the severe impacts of pollutions caused by humans on coastal reagions.




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