Skill-Based activities with unprivileged children

While studying in an IB school I have learnt several life skills which will help me develop myself better. Considering the advantage and importance of this privilege, I thought to pass it on to the students who have deprived of the same. I visited different government and underprivileged schools in the villages where we will do skill-based activities with them which will help them in the future, irrespective of their path. The skills that we would include will be helpful for them in their real life and help them fight against hardships. Some skills that we made them practice are problem-solving, communication and decision making. There are several games and activities which we play in our free time. I connected those games with the skills as they will be fun and beneficial both. Watching them smile and have fun, makes me happy too.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I not just went to one school for an hour but I went to two different schools for more than 2 hours where we did activities. I will continue my active engagement and will continue going in various government and underprivileged schools. There were several last minute changes to be made due to lack of volunteers or denial of permission during the end moment. I had backup volunteers and schools ready for the same which helped me continue my project.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Before going to help these children, I recognized the global implications of local issues like lack of education and lack of life-skills. I identified the areas where this local issue is prominent in and narrowed down the areas where I could go and bring a change. I am trying to take concrete and appropriate actions in response to the issues. I am also developing an awareness and responsibility towards the betterment of the humanity.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
While I was playing activities with the children, I had to make ethical choices about my words and actions. I shall not speak or do anything which makes them feel inferior to me or make them feel embarrassed. I should be aware of the consequences if this ethics was not taken into consideration.

The learner profile that I developed through this experience is communicator as I had to communicate to young children in their mother tongue. I expressed myself confidently and creatively in different languages like english, hindi and gujarati. While playing games I had interacted with children and also listened to their perspectives.



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