There was an event called FSMUN in which I participated and was able to work along with the delegates from different countries in UNOOSA Commtie.



One of my strengths was my ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to global issues. I also found that I was able to work well in a team and collaborate effectively with other delegates from around the world. However, I also identified areas for growth, such as improving my public speaking skills and learning to advocate for my country’s interests more effectively. Overall, the experience was a valuable one, as it helped me to identify my strengths and areas for growth, and provided me with the opportunity to develop new skills in international diplomacy and community meetings.

One of the biggest challenges was learning how to navigate the complex political landscape of the United Nations and working with delegates from around the world to find common ground on complex issues. However, through this experience, I was able to develop new skills that I never thought I would have. I learned how to be an effective communicator, how to negotiate and compromise, and how to be a leader in a team setting. I also learned how to manage my time effectively and to work under pressure, as we had tight deadlines to meet during the conference. Overall, the FSMUN UNOOSA experience was a challenging one, but it allowed me to develop new skills that I can apply in various settings throughout my life.


I had the opportunity to work collaboratively with other delegates from around the world to find solutions to complex global issues. Through this experience, I was able to develop my teamwork, leadership, and communication skills, as I learned how to effectively work with others to achieve a common goal. Working collaboratively allowed us to bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to more innovative and creative solutions. Additionally, I gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for cultural differences, as I worked with delegates from different backgrounds and learned about their unique perspectives. Overall, working collaboratively at the FSMUN UNOOSA conference was a truly enriching experience that taught me invaluable skills that I can apply in both my personal and professional life.


Participating in the FSMUN UNOOSA conference as the delegate of Malaysia allowed me to engage with issues of global significance and learn valuable skills for participating in a community meeting. During the conference, I had the opportunity to collaborate with delegates from around the world and work towards finding innovative solutions to global issues. Through this experience, I learned how to think creatively and outside the box, work effectively as part of a team, and advocate for the interests of my country. Overall, the FSMUN UNOOSA conference was a transformative experience that allowed me to grow as a student and a global citizen.

In conclusion, my experience at FSMUN UNOOSA was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has left a lasting impression on me. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this event and for the skills I have learned that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. If you have the opportunity to participate in a MUN event, I would highly recommend it. It is an experience that will challenge you, inspire you, and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.





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