21 Day Yoga challenge

The word ‘yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit which means ‘union’.Yoga is hindu spiritual discipline which includes breath control, meditation and specific body postures practice for health and relaxation. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility. Also it improves blood flow, warm up muscles and improve sleep. Yoga consist of physical,mental and spiritual practices. During this CAS experience, I  daily practiced yoga in morning and before bedtime until 21 days. Starting the day with yoga can calm our minds and help to focus throughout the day. And ending the day with yoga can quite and restore my mind and body from stress of the day.

LO 1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During this CAS experience I identified that doing physical activity is really important in student life. Because while doing yoga in morning I felt really freshed and sometimes I did yoga when I felt really exhausted. The weakness was I wasn’t doing physical activity for past 2 years and in starting of this experience I was not able to do the yoga. But I improved.  And I will still continue with yoga to overcome burnout. I feel thankful to my dad because he inspired me to do certain yoga challenge.

LO 2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging thing was motivating myself to do yoga because after doing yoga on first day, I feet body ache. Because it includes strengthening as I haven’t done any physical activity after lockdown. I lost interest in doing something physical. No I haven’t done anything related to yoga before. I overcame it by being inspired from my dad because he daily wakes up early for walk . At the end I feel proud that at least I started and completed challenge. And it motivated me to continue. Learning  new skills gives new opportunity in life.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I organized myself by waking up bit early before my regular timing. And it took 20-30 mins to do yoga. As I was practicing yoga from a yoga instructor so I had to adjust my time correspondingly. Yeah, I am organized person because I make monthly, weekly and daily plans to be productive.  Initiating was difficult because I lacked motivation in beginning. After practicing  yoga for 21 days was successful so in future if I want to do  something related to physical activity it would easy. Because now I know that you have to push yourself now in pursuance of being satisfied.


Learner profiles developed during 21 Day Yoga Challenge:- 

Balanced- I understood being balanced in our day to day life is really important. Including physical activity was major for me.

 Overall, I loved doing yoga and I successfully completed the challenge though sometimes I dont wanted to do it. But I learned that we should  enjoy process and push ourselves. Now after completing 21 day challenge I feel more motivated and that is success for me. Because I understood worth of physical activity in our daily life.



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