Creative mela

I volunteered at a creative mela that was organized in our school. Creative mela is a meeting of students from all grades where they get an opportunity to engage in several activities that improve everybody’s skills.


LO-1 ( Identify your strengths and develops an area of growth)

I taught origami because I had good knowledge regarding it. Children who came to attend the event were from grades 7,8 and 9. Through this experience, I improved my social skills as I interacted with them and also made them learn the techniques of origami. I never taught someone before but this experience allowed me to do so and also gave me an occasion to showcase my creativity.

 LO-2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process)

Many students were doing origami for the first time so they had many problems like molding paper into some shape or folding paper into half. Because of that, I had to cater to them all at the same time which caused me problems but in the end, I was able to do so. In this process, I developed my management skills. I communicated with them which also helped me improve my social skills.

LO-3( Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience)

I started this plan by interacting with my teammate about what techniques we would apply to teach origami so that the children find it easier to grasp it and they also enjoy the process. The event was smooth for the children as they were able to understand what we were teaching them and also they were able to make the flower that we taught them.

LO-4( Shows commitment and perseverance in experience)

I showed commitment and perseverance during the experience because we were teaching our juniors and it was important for us to not lose our patience. Our juniors were not focused which led them to make lots of mistakes while making a flower. So it was important for us to maintain our tolerance and make them understand the techniques in a more distinctive way.

LO-5( Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively)

In this experience, me and my pal worked together collaboratively which helped us to manage everything as planned. We separated our duties which made everything easy and we were able to teach all the students properly.


I chose this experience because it helped me to develop my social skills and I became more confident after this experience which is a big change in me.

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