Programming Club

In school for my AS option i chose to join the programming club. I participated in it from the beginning of school till the end of the first term. I had learned a new language which is java. The club offered interactive lessons and challenges that helped me develop my programming skills. The lessons were tailored to beginners and people who are proficient, so I could follow along it easily.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While in the club a strength i was showing was my logical thinking i was able to slowly break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and develop algorithms to solve them. While doing this sometimes in the club i would get stuck so i would ask for help but I still think I can get better for asking for help and being more efficient at coding.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The difficulty of creating a web application from scratch using a new programming language that I was unfamiliar with was one of the biggest hurdles I encountered. I invested a lot of time in my exploration on the web application’s programming language and development tools. I gradually started to approach the other members for help and advice, which helped me become more confident and proficient with the programming language.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I have shown perseverance and commitment in a variety of ways while participating in the programming club. Because of how complicated the issue we were attempting to address may be, there were times when I felt irritated and overwhelmed. Despite these challenges, I refused to give up because i knew i joined the club to learn and if I gave up I wouldn’t be learning anything. In the end i learned a good amount of programming which can help in the future in my career choice.

I think my time in the programming club went well and was worth it because I have learnt a lot. This will definitely help me in my career choice. A learner profile attribute I showed was thinker because throughout the club I required that critical thinking.

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