
I really enjoy sketching. Sketching is one of the activities that I enjoy the most its also one of my favourite hobby to do during my free time. I knew the basics about sketching and I wanted to improve my skill and get better at it so I took the opportunity as to get my skills improve through this CAS experience. in order to improve my sketching I worked on sketches which were sketched while observing my surroundings most of the sketches were done by pens and pencil. I wanted to try different materials and technique. explore more about sketching and did during this experience

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I think Sketching was a great way to help improve creativity because it helped  me to explore ideas and express myself in a visual way. one of the way i tried to improve was by practice drawing from observation. Look around me and trying to sketch it with the use if pencil and one of the ways showing commitments .It encouraged me to think outside the box and come up with new and creative solutions to problems.  Additionally, sketching helped me to develop my observational skills, as it encouraged me to pay attention to details and think about how different elements interact with each other. Finally, sketching also helped me to boost my confidence, as it allows me to express myself in a creative way.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

one of the struggle I faced during this experience way finding a object or something to get inspired of it was because I thought I might not be able sketch it ,initially I through this experience I learned a lot of way learn that all the think might not result in the most perfect way as expected but were worth giving it a try even if the sketch was not the most perfect I could get to but I was still happy with the improvement made though this experience and was able to identify a lot of my strengths and weakness


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