
I had the opportunity to go rafting for the first time last summer with my family . This sport activity was one of the most exiting activity I have ever tried .Participating in this activity was definitely something outside my comfort zone to try but it was one of my most enjoyable experience. I was a bit nervous at first, but the guides were very knowledgeable and made sure we were all comfortable before we got started.

                  LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Considering this activity was one of the activities that  challenged my skills, knowledge, and abilities. as this activity was something out of my comfort zone the fist few minutes through rafting I was struggling through the instructions given and it required a lot of strength on order to get through the waves and to follow the instructions. I was also struggling with  The equipment provided  as it was important to know how to use it properly so they work more efficiently As the time went by the I stared to enjoy the whole experience started to get the hang of the equipment which became a lot more convenient and gained a lot of skills. Rapids were the most exciting part of rafting but at the same time were scary. overall it was a great experience

           LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I  think perseverance is key to success in any activity, including rafting. this activity really pushed me to the edge as it was something which required a lot of efforts strength and energy through out the experience there we something I was struggling with many things like communication with the instructor and following the instructions as it was my first time through this experience and also took me a while through the experience to get the equipment the right way and use them as instructed but as the time went by and the commands passed by the instructor were implemented properly and with a little help for them really made a lot of improvement and I enjoyed it even better and the whole experience taught me to stay calm and patience and also helped me gain a lot of self confidence and composure by the end of the activity despite all the struggle my commitment a commitment helped me  to create a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction and It also helped to provide a sense of purpose and direction, which can be invaluable when I was tackling with rafting which was one of the challenging experiences.

           LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively 

 As rafting is a team sport it required communication with the with the teammates and the instructor as well as coordination in order to move and work together through the whole experience and make all the teammates efforts count ,hence through this experience it help me demonstrate my social skill and also experience the benefits of working collaboratively






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