Accounts Club

Our school offers various types of clubs such as coding club, cooking club, etc. But one of the best club for me is the accounts club. In this blog post, I will discuss the Learning Outcomes (LOs) that can be achieved through accounting classes and how they can contribute to my overall well-being. It will also help to make my career in finance, business, and mainly accounting.

LO1: Identify Own Strengths and Develop Areas for Growth
Taking accounting classes helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Accounting is a subject that requires a combination of technical knowledge and critical thinking skills. By taking accounting club, you will be able to identify my strengths in areas such as data analysis and attention to detail. Additionally, I can identify areas for growth, such as developing my understanding of accounting principles or improving my problem-solving skills.

LO2: Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken, Developing New Skills in the Process
Accounting is a challenging subject, but by taking accounting club, I am developing new skills in the process. Accounting requires a combination of technical knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By undertaking the challenges in accounting classes, I also developed these skills and become a more well-rounded individual.

LO4: Show Commitment to and Perseverance in CAS Experiences
Taking accounting classes requires a significant amount of commitment and perseverance. Accounting is a subject that requires consistent effort and practice to fully understand. By committing to and persevering through accounting classes, I am developing these important traits that will serve me well in all areas of my life.

LO5: Demonstrate the Skills and Recognize the Benefits of Working Collaboratively
Accounting is a subject that can be complex and difficult to understand. Working collaboratively with classmates and DIVYESH SIR (teacher) helped me to better understand accounting principles and improve my quick calculation skill. Working collaboratively in accounting classes had helped me to develop teamwork and collaboration skills that will serve me well in all areas of my life.

In conclusion, taking accounting classes as part of my CAS program will help me achieve important Learning Outcomes that will benefit me academically, professionally, and personally. By identifying my strengths and areas for growth, developing new skills, showing commitment and perseverance, and working collaboratively. I am developing valuable skills and knowledge that will serve me well in all areas of my life. It will also help to make my career in finance, business, and mainly accounting.


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