As a participant at the Fountainhead School Model United Nations Lok Sabha, I was excited to step into the shoes of a member of parliament and represent my assigned political party.

LOs met:

  • LO1
    Debating has always been one of my strengths but since this was my first time participating in a MUN, I was not aware of how formal the debate was going to be hence I did not spend much time researching the topic and preparing an opening speech which shows that my time management skills were not up to the mark so after the first day, I spent more time preparing for the second day of the debate.
  • LO2
    Since this was my first time participating in a MUN, I did not have detailed knowledge about the motions and the flow of the debate hence it was a challenge for me to understand how the motions works and the technicalities of the debate while paying attention to other speakers and preparing my points.
  • LO4
    The MUN was not just a two-day event, it required days of research and although I did not spend much time researching the topic, I had to spend a lot of time understanding what are MUNs and how they work so I was committed not just during the debate but also at home, preparing and understanding the MUN.
  • LO5
    In the MUN, everyone was assigned to a political party where they had to debate from the perspective of a member of the appointed party. I was a part of the BJP and collaborated alongside my party members to come up with counterarguments, motions, and a resolution. The experience wouldn’t have been as fun and as easy to understand without my party members.
  • LO7
    During the debate, one mishap, a wrong statement could change the tide of the debate easily and give the opposition easy counterarguments and an easy way out to dodge important questions so all actions taken and all choices made have to be thought out well before being executed as they could lead to the downfall of the whole party so I had to be careful of what I say and spent a lot of time refurbishing my statements so they don’t bring down my party.

Overall, FSMUN was an unforgettable experience. It not only taught me about the intricacies of politics and diplomacy but also helped me develop my public speaking and negotiation skills. I left the conference with a newfound respect for the political process and a deep appreciation for the power of constructive dialogue and compromise.

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