Global odyssey 3.0 (creativity)

Global odyssey 3.0, is an event where the students got to experience how a business is formed and carried out. The economics and business management students along with teachers organized and participated in this annual event which was held on 23rd February 2023. It consisted of different categories like fun fashion food and photobooth where my friends and I chose photobooth. As the name suggests, we had to create a photo booth using the supplies the school provided and improvise on certain criteria.

These are the Los catered through the event :

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

In the first instance, my team believed that the photo booth wouldn’t attract many customers as most of the students would prefer to spend their money on food and games rather than spending it on photos. With this thought, we had the mindset that fewer customers would come and so the 4 of us would be able to handle the flow of the business but to our surprise we had crowds forming and chaos was created since we had a limited supply of polaroid reels and higher demand of customers. To tackle this we had to put up with speed and accuracy as a spoiled photo would in turn lead to loss. We came up with business strategies and a new business plan and carried out the process smoothly.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Initially, when the final plan was formed, we had imagined a photo booth that was covered from all sides and appeared like a small compartment, but due to unavailable resources, we had to drop the idea. Then we came up with another idea where we hung pieces of colored paper on a frame and decorate it with various paper ornaments. We cut out and made all the required materials for decoration but later on when it was all put together, we realized the colors didn’t go together and it just didn’t look attractive . 2 days before the event with scarce time and limited materials we came up with a new idea where we hung decorative net around the frame and wrapped It with fairy lights. To add on and fit the boho theme of the event, we added a garland of tassels. With no hopes, we presented our final product and surprisingly it was a success.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

To come up with a business a lot of planning and effort is needed. For the smooth functioning of our photo booth, it took us a month to search, plan and create the outcome. This means we had to plan out the location of the photo booth, the number of polaroid reels, the various strategies we could use to attract more customers, and the optimal prices of our photos which would be profitable as well as reasonable to the customers. All of this wouldn’t have been possible if we wouldn’t have patience, team coordination, and Time management strategies.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Team coordination is the most important aspect of our photo booth as the mixed opinions of everyone and criticisms would lead to betterment. Along with team coordination, we also had to Cooperate with our fellow stall mates as this was a student lead event where cooperation is mainly what needs to be kept in mind. Equal cooperation and understanding from everyone were required for this event to be a success.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Business ethics are also another important aspect required to handle a business and so we kept in mind that our photos would be sold at a reasonable price and we had to be fair to everyone and not be biased towards the ones we know. Overall after the business fair was complete, the school donated 5% of the profit initiated by each stall and donated to an NGO.





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