School community service | Service

Learning is a crucial part of everyone’s life and it is our fundamental right to learn, whether it be in sports or academics. We are blessed to have access to both of these aspects but underprivileged kids lack these little things in their life.To help such kids our school had organized community service which was of 6 session in which underprivileged kids of different age groups were called in our school and were given various segment options wherein they would like to go such as dance, football, frisbee, arts and crafts and etc. We had to spend 3 hours in each of the sessions. Even though I’m not particularly good at it, I had decided to teach football as part of this event, and it was a load of fun to learn and teach with such enthusiasm and warmth around those kids. The participating kids would enjoy their time at our campus while also learning a new sport.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Speaking to them in their own language and getting them to comprehend what we were trying to say was the most difficult aspect of the entire community service. For the sessions to run smoothly, effective communication was crucial. Although communication was challenging, the fact that they understood and enjoyed the game indicated that the aims set for the community service had been met. To overcome this challenge I had to use hand gestures to convey what I am trying to say or else had to ask someone else to convey the same. With this I also developed my social skills by communicating to various people. Teaching the sport was also one of the challenges as I, as a student, am still not very great at playing the sport. I was not the best person to teach, although for them little learning also matters a lot. 

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This experience requires commitment and perseverance from me as teaching is not a very quick process and that too to a person who is very new to it, it demands time and patience. The process was slow and making them learn the sport required perseverance for effectiveness. As mentioned earlier, 6 sessions of community service were arranged wherein there were 2 sessions a week (Saturday and Sunday) starting from 23rd July 2022 to 7th August 2022. I ensured and was committed to attend all the sessions despite other important things I had in my to do list so that I could see smiles on their faces too. 

LO 5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively. 

In this event, various students like me had volunteered to teach those kids.  This experience also required me to demonstrate social and collaborative skills with my friends as well as those children. Since we had to instruct the kids in pairs or groups, it was done collaboratively and there was interaction both inside the groups and with the underprivileged kids. As there were a large number of students we had to segregate into small groups which were monitored by 1-2 volunteers so that they could learn more effectively. Because of our cooperative efforts, the session was successful. I had no trouble getting everyone to work together during drills and participate equally. I never felt difficult because all of my friends worked together well. Working together is essential because it allows us to learn more and communicate the information more effectively.

LO 6: Engagement with issues of global significance

Every person living on this planet has a fundamental right to a high-quality education as well as to good health and wellbeing. Due to poverty this has become a very big global issue in the world. These children can find a way to be healthy and fulfilled in their life through physical education, such as football. They can learn about teamwork and the value of staying healthy by participating in sports. A high-quality education in academics or sports may benefit them and improve their way of life. They can be guided in the proper direction and made conscious of right and wrong by it. Sports can improve a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their social and economic status. Here, having knowledge of the social problem (inequality) aids me in making wise decisions throughout the sessions, enhancing the connection between us as volunteers and the kids.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Teaching underprivileged children was an ethical decision because it affected how they developed vital abilities. Helping underprivileged kids succeed in many activities is morally right, thus I think that our decision to participate in the community service was a tremendous success and source of delight. Children must be taught ethics as a crucial component of sports education. These kids were educated on the rules of conduct in sports, particularly football. Sports ethics are crucial for ensuring fairness and equality. Ethics was demonstrated by taking into account the rules and regulations for teaching them. Children were also taught the spirit so that when they played sports, the athletes would uphold their moral standards.We were able to foster the attitude of sportsmanship in each and every one of those kids learning football by imparting the four fundamental characteristics.

To conclude, I feel as though my effort in this CAS experience has helped society and helped the less fortunate, making a positive impact on the world. This experience helped me develop my collaboration and communication skills. I developed the learner profiles, “caring” and “communicator” during these sessions. Through this volunteer work, I had the chance to interact and have fun with kids from various backgrounds. I was successful because every youngster had fun and had learned something new.This volunteering not only provided the underprivileged children and us students with immeasurable benefits, but also unleashed our ability to become better people. I wish to contribute more by conducting more sessions.

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