Frisbee tournament

I recently completed my CAS experience by participating in a frisbee tournament. As a player who has been involved in the sport for many years, I was excited to have the opportunity to use my skills and experience to contribute to my community.

LO’s met:-

LO1-[Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.]

In every person, there are strengths and weaknesses, and finding them out and working on them would really help the person out, especially in sports. In the tournament, I met many people from whom I could learn and I did as I tried to work on my skills and apply them in my match so that I could help my team out.

LO2-[Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process.]

There were many teams participating in the tournament and to compete with them we all had to develop our skills as there were players who were older then us and more experienced as well so to compete with them we all undertook challenges to develop skills or new skills in the process.

LO4-[Show commitment to and perseverance in their CAS experiences.]

The tournament was awesome and we had fun playing in it but when the game was on, no one in the team would laugh or do non disciplinary actions as we all were committed to the game/match and this was the commitment and perseverance displayed by us in the experience.

LO5-[Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively]

Frisbee is a team sport and working collaboratively is a key to win in the sport and especially when all the other teams are more experienced then us so our coach and teammates helped us all demonstrate our skills in the game and to sharpen it plus they showed us the benefits of working together which we eventually did.

Overall, my CAS experience was a great opportunity for me to use my skills and passion for frisbee to contribute to my community. I had a lot of fun playing in the tournament and was able to meet new people and improve my skills. I am grateful for this experience, and I look forward to participating in more tournaments in the future.

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