Tracking and adventurous activities in mount abu

In these activity I went on a trip to mount abu where I participated in many of the adventurous activities like rock climbing,zip line,tracking etc and in these activities my goal was to face the challenges which I am going to face during all these activities and over come the fear of great heights which I did by going to the suicide point and on long tracks of 11km also I learned about how to recognize the type of animal by there waste which we found during the track and also learned how to recognize that how old it is.

LO 2:”demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process” where I was able to figure out my strengths as I stepped out of my comfort zone and was able grow by coming over my fear of great heights by the challenges faced during the track like very steep tracks and going to suicide point which helped me to develop my skills and I was ready for my next tracks.

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