For a while I have been really interested in learning the financial markets and choosing this experience for my CAS made it an incentive for me to complete the course. The course which I will be doing is from Coursera about the financial markets. The length of the course is 12 hours. At the end of the course I will have a great idea about the financial markets, S&Ps, insurances, etc.
LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Before the course I had zero clue about any of the financial markets or financial marketing terms so at some points it was really difficult for me to cope up and understand the concept. This really helped me to develop my research skills as I had to search for the meaning of the terms and in the process I learnt and discovered many new things and concepts.
LO3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I had to make a proper schedule where I could fit the timings for my course with my current timetable. Planning was a crucial part here so that I could manage my CAS experience with my everyday chores and studies. I planned to do the course every 30 mins a day for 24 days (total 12 hours).