Rubik’s cube club – CAS project

As a CAS project my friends and I organized a Rubik’s cube club. In the club we taught students the different techniques that can be used to solve Rubik’s cube and how to solve different types of Rubik’s cube.

In terms of CAS components creativity and activity was demonstrated. Creativity was used as we taught students new skills and creative thinking as the solving of Rubik’s cube requires creative thinking. Activity was displayed as the club helped in holistic development.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I identified my strengths of solving the Rubik’s cube and with the help of that strength I developed my communication and team work skills. I had to communicate my knowledge of Rubik’s cube with the participants of the club and I also had to work with my friends collaboratively so that the club is conducted smoothly. Which is why I used the strengths of Rubik’s cube to develop other areas of growth.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

We had to plan the CAS project as the project ran for more than a month and each session we had to teach something new which we had to plan before hand hence running the CAS project required a lot of planning.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The CAS project ran for more than a month which required commitment as I could not miss any of the sessions and each session required equal amount of involvement. Before each session I also had to do a lot of preparations hence the CAS project required commitment and perseverance.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

By working collaboratively for the CAS project I recognised how beneficial it was. We could distribute our equals equally because of which there was not a lot of workload on an individual. It was also beneficial as everyone brought their own strengths to the table. It also help in developing social skills as we work collaboratively. Hence I recognised the importance of working collaboratively due to the CAS project.

The learner profile I demonstrated was communicator as I communicated my knowledge of Rubik’s cube with the participants of the club and communicated the various ideas I had with other members who were part of organising the club.

Rubik’s cube club was really productive as I could use my knowledge of Rubik’s cube in an effective manner and in the process I developed various skills, learner profile and learned how to plan things effectively. Hence organising the club was a wonderful experience.


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