Learning how to cook

Through one of my CAS experience, I decided to learn how to cook. Cooking is one of the most important survival skills which is why I decided to learn how to cook. In terms of CAS component creativity was achieved as this was a new experience for me which required creative thinking.

The SGD which is followed was good health and well being. This is because I wanted to learn how to cook healthy dishes so that the food I cook is also beneficial for the health and contributes in achieving a healthy lifestyle.

The learning outcomes I achieved were

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I was unfamiliar with this experience as I had never cooked before in my life. Cooking was challenging for me as I had to learn how to use the kitchen equipments. Cooking was difficult due to lack of experience however I have gotten better with time.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Since I had no experience in cooking prior to this I had to create a schedule so that the process of learning how to cook goes smoothly. I pre-planned the dishes I was going to make so that the ingredients are available on the day I have to use that particular ingredient in the dish I make.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

I faced a lot of difficulties in learning how to cook. I had to put in a lot of time and efforts which required patience. I also had to something related to cooking everyday which was sometimes difficult for me however I decided to be dedicated. It was difficult to stay committed throughout however by the end it was rewarding.

LO7 – Consider the choices of ethics and actions

Before I did not realise how difficult it was to cook food which is why I would waste food regularly or if I did not like a particular dish I would say it without any hesitation. However after learning how to cook, I realised that it is a really difficult skill and I should not complain about every small thing I did not like in the dish and especially not waste the food as something made the food with a lot of hard work.

The learner profiles I demonstrated were

Risk taker – By learning a completely a new skill I took and risk and succeeded in learning the skill. Open minded – I did not restrict myself to any one source and used the help of various sources so that I can use the knowledge of various people on how to cook. Communicator – While cooking, my parents would always guide me on how to improve and I would also ask feedback for my dishes so that I could improve.

Overall learning how to cook was a really wonderful experience as I had a lot of fun and I develop new skills through this experience. The skills I learned are beneficial as cooking is a really important survival skills and now I am skilled enough to cook whenever I want.


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