
I recently started learning calligraphy and it has been a great experience. I find it to be a very calming and creative activity. I started by watching tutorials online and then practicing with a calligraphy pen and paper. I found that the key to success was to practice regularly and to be patient with myself.

I also found that it was important to pay attention to the details and to focus on the small movements of the pen. After a few weeks of practice, I started to see improvement in my calligraphy and I was able to create beautiful pieces of art. I am still learning and I am excited to see how far I can take my calligraphy skills.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Though this experience, by learning calligraphy was one of creative exploration and self-expression. Through learning the basics of calligraphy, I was able to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of letterforms and how to create beautiful, expressive lettering. I learned how to use a variety of tools and materials to create their own unique calligraphic works.

while learning calligraphy It was a little bit difficult to learn the proper way to hold the pen, the correct pressure to apply, and the right angle to use. It was also difficult to find the right materials, especially since i was just starting out. Hence learned that it takes a lot of practice to get the desired results. It was important for me to stay patient and not give up when you make mistakes.

As i went through the experience progress, I was able to explore more advanced techniques and develop their my own style.some of the skill I learned by learning calligraphy were ,Calligraphy requires a lot of practice and precision, which helped me develop better hand-eye coordination as well as I learned that it requires to use my fine motor skills to create beautiful lettering. by the end of the experience it helped me improve my handwriting and make it more legible.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

as for me i took this experience as a self taught one with the help of online sources and tutorials online it took me a while in researching different calligraphy styles and tools. Look at examples of different calligraphy styles and decide which one I wanted l to learn.

Then practiced the basic strokes of calligraphy. Start with the basic strokes and practice them until I was comfortable with them. Once I was comfortable with the basic strokes, start writing words and phrases in calligraphy and practice regularly. The more I practiced, the better I will become


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