Learning volleyball

As part of my CAS experience, I chose to learn volleyball, a team sport that requires a combination of physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork. In this commentary, I will reflect on my learning experience using the IB’s learning outcomes (LO) 1, 2, 4, and 5.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

When I started learning volleyball, I quickly realized that I had some physical limitations that made it challenging to perform some of the fundamental movements required in the sport. However, I also recognized that I had good hand-eye coordination and a strong desire to learn. This made me realize that I needed to focus on developing my physical strength and coordination to become a more proficient volleyball player.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As I continued to practice volleyball, I encountered several challenges, such as mastering the correct form for spiking and serving the ball. I had to learn to position my body correctly and use my arms and wrists effectively to make the ball move in the desired direction. However, with perseverance and practice, I was able to overcome these challenges and develop new skills that allowed me to become a more competent volleyball player.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Learning volleyball required a significant amount of time and effort, as I had to attend regular training sessions, practice drills, and games. There were times when I felt tired and discouraged, but I reminded myself of the importance of perseverance and commitment to my CAS experience. I also realized that by showing up for each training session and putting in my best effort, I was not only improving my volleyball skills but also developing my personal character traits such as resilience and determination.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Volleyball is a team sport that requires close collaboration among teammates to achieve success. During my learning experience, I worked closely with my teammates, communicating effectively and supporting each other during training sessions and games. I learned the importance of listening to others and understanding their perspectives, which helped us to work more effectively as a team. I also recognized the benefits of working collaboratively, as we were able to achieve more together than we could have individually.

In conclusion, learning volleyball as part of my CAS experience has been a rewarding journey that has helped me develop my physical skills, personal character traits, and social skills. Through reflecting on my experience using the IB’s learning outcomes, I have gained a deeper understanding of how my learning experience has contributed to my personal growth and development.

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